Monday, May 11, 2009

How I Spent My Day Off

Friday was my day off. I started the day off with the girls to get our teeth cleaned. We stopped at one garage sale on our way to drop them off at school. I found one frame there for a quarter. After dropping them off at school. I went to another garage sale where I found a couple of old rolling pins. I thought they would look great in a crock.

From there I went to an estate sale where I hit the mother load. I found two wool blankets I can use for penny rugs. The one is my favorite Army green. The other is a pale yellow I plan to over dye to a tan. I want to make a couple of Americana penny rugs and use it for the base.

I bought a crock for my rolling pins. It was only $15. When i priced these at antique shops over the weekend they were double that for the same size. The other crock I bought another day but I loved its shape.

This my load of frames I got at all the sales for a quarter a piece. Can't beat that.

I have been looking for a mold to do a large pantry cake for my peel I found last week. These were also a quarter a piece. I had found them for a lot more at antique shops but wouldn't pay what they wanted for them.

I have soooo much more to show you but I'll save some more for tomorrow. I just had the best weekend aside from working. Happy Mothers Day to me. Hope all of you had a great day too.



basketsnprims said...

Wonderful finds at great prices.

I Play Outside The Box said...

You done good!