Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whatca Workin on Wednesday

Eggstra....Eggstra Read all about it.
I'm not "working" on anything in particular so I thought I might share a few past projects today.
As I walked throughout my house and pulled out Easter Decorations it was a trip down memory lane for me. It was fun going through the bin and mixing them with the new.


I had learned to crochet and made the eggs. My mom made the basket for the girls when they were small so they could play with them. Sometime in the 1990's.

1970's into 1980's

My mom and I took ceramic classes together when I was in high school.
Just a few years ago she gave me the couple eggs she had done then.

My favorite thing I made in ceramics.

This is a candy dish and it has always been filled with MnMs. It's a tradition. It was a lot of work and I still love it even though it's not prim at all. It does look good on the firkin though.

My mom made this one and gave it to my grandma. When grandma died she gave it to me. It has mom's initials on the bottom so I love it.


These are special to us. Our elderly neighbor bought these for the girls when they were small. Tori was 2 and Emily was 1. They are getting closer to prim.

I was looking for a wool egg pattern and was having trouble finding one. My prayer partner found these on clearance and "knew" i could make them from just seeing these. I will treasure them always.

I spent the day meeting and shopping with a blogging friend. I met Rondell and we had a super day shopping. We bought these gorgeous aqua eggs and the grass. Don't tell our hubby's we bought grass...they just wouldn't understand.

These are by far some of the funnest(is that a word?)eggs I've done for awhile. I plan on making some more. I dug through my vintage feedsack scraps and these turned out great.

Tried to prim them up in a wooden bowl.

I have had a good friend for many years...since our girls were small. She teaches Pisanki eggs and I made some in the past but they got crushed when we moved to the new house. She had a class this year and I finally got a chance to make another one. Hopefully I'll get time to get some more made. I thought they'd look great with quilt patterns on them.

Hope you enjoyed my trip through my eggstra special eggs. Maybe I'll have to do my carrots next.

Stop on over at Leslie's and read what others are working on this Wednesday before Easter.


Monday, April 6, 2009

A Simple Woman's Daybook Apri 6th Edition


April 6th 2009

Outside my window...
I am watching the birds at the feeder. My hubby puts them up and maintains them. He has such a soft side sometimes. But don't tell him I told you that.

I am thinking...
about preparations for Easter. Not just the dinner and family. But the sacrifice of Jesus for my sins.

I am thankful for...
The ability we have in this country to worship freely. I am reminded sometimes of how others have to worship in secret and fear.

From the kitchen...
Leftovers. My hubby is in charge of dinner tonight because I have to work late. He didn't want anything made. He said he'd take care of it. Tori has a game after school and won't get home until later and Emily is "starved" when she gets home.

I am wearing...
My new scrub top and uniform pants. Why is it that it always feels good to put on something new???

I am creating...
I just finished another bunch of carrots. I love how they came out. Now it's on to a special project for my brother. Shhhhhhh don't tell.

I am going...
Only to work this week. Maybe to the Flea Market on Friday if it's nice out. We have snow predicted for tomorrow and Wed. When will it finally be over????

I am reading...
Shack. O.K. I know that all of you have probably read it already but I'm a late bloomer. And I started reading the passion in the Gospels this morning in honor of Easter week.

I am hoping...
To get and keep focused this week on preparing my heart for Easter.

I am hearing...
Bacon sizzling in the pan. I made the girls some for breakfast. I am always amazed at how long that smell lasts in the house.

Around the house...
Just picking up before I leave for work. I cleaned really well on Thursday since I was having company in from Canada on the weekend.

One of my favorite things...
Working outside. There's something magical about planting a seed and watching it grow.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Getting a few things for the girls' Easter Baskets. They don't want candy anymore so I usually get a summer outfit or something.

Her is my scripture thought...
John 10:14" I am the Good Shepard: I know my sheep and my sheep know me-"

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Be sure and visit The Simple Woman's Daybook blog for more entries.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Feedsacks for Sale

It's a dreary wet day here in PA. Be sure and visit my other blog for Vintage Feedsack fabric. I am going out with some friends from my Feedsack Club for the day. I'll take lots of pictures and let you see all the stops today as we go searching. Just click on the For Sale Friday icon on the top of the page to see what's there.

Here's a sample of what is there.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whatca Workin on Wednesday

Good Wednesday Morning all. I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to work on MY fun stuff but I did manage to get a few things accomplished.

First I did get some bunnies cut out and sewn. Now I just need to Chocolate them up and work on a grouping for them. I had seen chocolate bunnies on both Leslie's and Rondell's blog and couldn't wait to try them. Here's my interpretation. Thanks gals for the inspiration.

I also didn't have enough carrots to compliment the bunnies. So I cut out some more. I just need to get to JoAnn's today as I'm all out of orange thread.

I saved the best for last. I found this pattern on Retro Mama's blog. I used some of my vintage feedsack fabric to make these eggs and fell in love with them. I can't wait to pull out some more scraps and make tons more. I have a couple of gals form my Feedsack Club coming in from Canada this week so I thought I'd have a small gift for them too.

My goal was to use up some things I have here and not purchase anything to make my "goodies". So far so good. I do have some orange thread in my jar in a previous post maybe I'll see if there's any orange in there. The bunnies were made with old feedsack ammunition bags. As you can see they are a cream colored with red lettering. The red lettering I turned to the inside. All the orange fabric was left over from a Halloween quilt top I made. I wish I could say that everything is "Made in the USA" but stuffing and some of the orange fabric is not. The bags and the old thread was certainly made here. Of but I digress to another topic.

Time for me to get painting. Yes unfortunately it has taken longer than expected. I am today changing the ceiling color. But once I paint the ceiling I can begin putting things back. We will be adding stenciling and wainscoting but I need to get this room back together for company coming. I'll post pictures once I get everything done.

It's pouring rain here so at least I can enjoy being in side and listening to my radio as I paint. I plan on getting out a little this afternoon though. I have some things to mail.

Be sure and check out Leslie's blog for more Whatca Workin on Wednesday projects.

Happy April Fool's Day